On a wonderful Monday night, the Step Up Housemates were grieving the deficiency of their partners who had been Removed the other day. They had no clue about that another Ousting would happen to them. After the Housemates finished the Head of House Challenge, Biggie called them individually into the Journal Room, where they were told to choose two Housemates for guaranteed removal.


Following the finishing of the Designations, Amaka was reported as the following Housemate to be denied the 100 Million Naira Great Award. The whole episode was very surprising for the Housemates, who took a couple of seconds to deal with what had happened prior to embracing Amaka farewell.

Subsequent to acquainting Nigerians with 24 astonishing Housemates, Biggie amazed the two Housemates and watchers by presenting two new Housemates. Given the quantity of Housemates currently present, one would think Biggie was finished for the season, however he shocked everybody by presenting Deji and Modella as Phony Housemates just a single week into the show.

The good times didn’t stop with the Phony Housemate; we additionally met Biggie’s Riders Chizzy and Rachel. That implied there would be a sum of 28 Housemates in the Step Up House. The Riders’ presence added an exceptional flavor to the show since they were ensured a spot in the finale however didn’t win the Fabulous Award.

Amidst the fight between the Levels, Biggie doled out a mystery Undertaking to one of the Phony Housemates, Deji, which he effectively finished. The Errand expected Deji to continually whine about his kindred Level 1 Housemates and ultimately demand an exchange to Even out 2. Deji’s partners were shocked on the grounds that they couldn’t sort out why he was so frantic for a change.

Letter T hide like true love but guess who found it 😊😊 you guessed right 😎#BBNaija #Chizzybbnaija #Chizzy #ChizzyRiders pic.twitter.com/IUFbai1q9Z

— Chizzy Francis #BBNaija (@OfficialChizzy_) September 29, 2022

What is a Biggie Errand without a turn? Notwithstanding the way that watchers knew about Deji’s Mystery Errand, we were completely shocked when Biggie requested Sweet to trade Levels to have Deji’s spot in the previous Level 1. Chichi was tracked down wailing under the duvet, Dotun in the bathroom, and Phyna in the Parlor.

Game play at Level 3 This season’s Turns were extraordinary. Biggie uncovered another Level the night Chomzy, Doyin, and Eloswag were Removed, when we assumed we were finished with the Levels. The Removed Housemates, who had now turned into Biggie’s Visitors, were feeling quite a bit better to have arrived at Level 3 however had no clue about how it affected them. The startling uncover of another Level was without a doubt a significant bend for the Step Up season.

Fourteen days before the season’s end, the Housemates accumulated in the Field for the season’s underdog to-last Head of House Challenge. They were stunned, notwithstanding, when they discovered that Chichi, the Test champ, would Save two Housemates, guaranteeing their position in the finale. The what tops off an already good thing was that every Housemate needed to pitch to Chichi, making sense of why they ought to be saved.