The pros and cons of net neutrality are many, and they can be understood as the advantages and disadvantages of network neutrality.

The advantages of Net Neutrality

The concept allowed for the development of social media and entertainment platforms like Netflix, as well as unique informational and business promotion platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. Potential competitors would have been eliminated long before they entered the spotlight if a policy effectively challenging this monopoly had not been implemented. Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech includes your ability to freely exercise your right to express yourself. No one has the right to deprive people of this fundamental right. This is also applicable to the online and social media space. Internet service providers should not decide which opinions they want to be aired or not. This is not to take away their ability to scrutinize and censor content.

Net neutrality also emphasizes the accessibility of the internet to all. All data available online should be made accessible to all without preference for certain entities at the expense of others. The quality of the information should not be determined based on the wealth of some. It ensures moderate charges on content without being charged extra fees.  It also challenges the ability of service providers to consciously lower the speed of some content while they slow down others. This is usually referred to as throttling. The overall advantage is the removal of the biased treatment and the protection it offers internet users against being blocked unfairly.

Net Neutrality’s Drawbacks

It leaves room for the misuse of internet facilities. Since no one is paying for the data consumption, it leaves room for people to misuse information without paying a dime for it. Sometimes the internet facilities cost a lot to maintain. Without someone to pay for the facilities, it might be difficult to remain in business. It leaves room for unsolicited and illicit content to find its way into public view on the internet. Network neutrality has left a lot of loopholes in the way content can filter into the public view because the agencies that can control the influx have been incapacitated. Pornographic and restricted content can be posted online without being censored. This would also take away how internet facilities can be developed. Financial resources are needed to bring in innovations. But without people paying for the data they are consuming, funding might need to come from other means. The result of this is that the person or party with the funds dictates the activities. It introduces new laws and regulations that must be constantly supervised by the FCC. This gives the FCC the autonomy to make service providers dance to their tunes even if it won’t be for the good of the company and everyone in the long run. So it can grant the monopoly that the law is trying to fight to another entity. The overall argument against it is the fact that without the developmental potential it promises, the online space has performed well on its own without it. This is a major criticism of net neutrality.

The difficulties that net neutrality is facing

One of the main advocates of net neutrality is the open internet, which has been of immense benefit to humanity at large.

But it has gone through its ups and downs.

One significant challenge it has faced is that the policy appears to have become politicized.  

In response to various petitions, the Obama administration moved to make it law. 

However, when Donald Trump took office, he decided to reverse the policy. This has become a major issue for the law’s smooth implementation. 

Another significant challenge the policy has faced in the past has been a lack of unanimous agreement on its necessity and benefits among ISPs and the FCC.  Another factor has been the vehement opposition from broadband service providers. Lawsuits have been filed to overturn the policy’s implementation as a means of regulation.


Net neutrality has its advantages and disadvantages, neither of which should be emphasized above the other. If all were considered together, it would aid its effective implementation.

frequently asked questions about net neutrality.

What factor led to its removal?

Answer: Some say the removal was politically motivated. 

What position has ISP maintained on its removal?

Answer: The position maintained by many is that they would practically continue to abide by it.