Below are some of the funniest moments shared by the ever-growing Overwatch community with a bit of context for new players.

Roadhog vs. D.Va

This is what happens when you play as D.Va with a mech. If you approach a point defended by a Roadhog, who decides to hook you up, use your Self-Destruct ability to eject and set the mech for explosion right at the face of a poor Roadhog.

Widowmaker goes on a duck hunt

When a Widowmaker uses her sniper rifle and shoots multiple Junkrat RIP-Tires in a row, it doesn’t look much different from the classic arcade duck hunting.

Just trying to stay alive

It’s always hard to play as a support character. While everybody tries to perform the best PotG, Mercy just tries really hard to perform a SotG – Struggle of the Game.

Tracer can do no wrong

With her exceptional Recall ability, Tracer can quickly go back to the initial point without being injured and having full ammo. As you can see, this also makes up for some perfectly looped GIFs.

Lucio’s master race

When you can Wall Ride, effectively use Sound Barrier and knock enemy tanks off the edges with your Sonic Amplifier – you can call yourself a true Lucio’s master.

RIP Junkrat

It takes time before you get used to playing the Junkrat’s intense style. On the other, if you see a Junkrat approaching you - just run! Because even if you manage to kill him, the live grenades will get to you in a blink of an eye.

A perfect couple

McCree and Widowmaker – aren’t they just a perfect couple? When these two see each other on the battlefield, there is always a moment of mutual respect and adoration.

Well played indeed

Sometimes D.Va’s own mech can play against her, if shielded Reinhardt survives the explosion and pushes the mech back at you. So, it’s a good idea to move away from the danger area as soon as you can.

Bastion never learns

Bastion is a great defense hero, but sometimes it’s just uncontrollably shooting at everything it sees, and the worst happens when it kills half of its own teammates in attempt to put down one enemy Genji.

The monster of Tri-nhardt

Three Reinhardts with their shields up using the classical Roman blockade tactics – what a cool and totally hilarious idea. However, this works well only until Junkrats start throwing their mines all over the place.

Bastion – the champion of PotG

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Take that, haters!

This fan-made image is basically Overwatch in a nutshell. Some speculate that it was made by a Blizzard employee using in-game assets. Anyway, no matter what the origin of this picture is, it will stay with the fans for a long, long time.

Just what you needed

If you are a new player and have trouble remembering all the characters’ names, then use this neat blueprint with your friends for a more comfortable online play… or just make one of your own.

Ain’t that funny anymore

Mei is probably the most frustrating character in the game. She can’t kill you fast due to her low DPS, so she tries to freeze you and watch you die slowly instead. Well, it looks like some players found a quick way out D:

Taking them all out

Pharah has no mercy and her Barrage ability deals with enemies just as mercilessly. You could also repeat the same trick with Junkrat’s Bouncing grenades or even Hanzo’s Dragonstrike.

Share your own favorite Overwatch images and GIFs in the comments section below!