Several main games were released in the Crash series as well as a number of spin offs (including the obligatory kart racing game). Although rumours of a reboot are never far away, it has been a long time since we have seen anything from the spinning marsupial.

Crash would have been great on a Saturday morning

Former lead designer and senior producer at Universal Interactive Studio, David Siller has however recently released new information on past plans for eveyone’s favourite bandicoot. As well as mentioning that there was once a plan for a Crash Bandicoot themed attraction at the Universal Theme Park, Siller has posted test footage for a Crash Bandicoot cartoon.

Sadly, the cartoon never saw the light of day. It was a potential plan were the game to be succesful (before Sony was ever involved) but the plan never went further than the now released test footage. Check out the footage here to get a taste of what the cartoon might have been like.

Would you have liked to see a Crash cartoon? Will we ever see another Crash game? Let us know what you think.